Toma Trifulera
From the farm started by their grandparents, brother and sister team Mario and Anna Sarale blend cow, goat, and sheep milk into both traditional Piemontese classics as well as some beautiful originals. Using the traditions of generations past, the wheels are aged in humidified caves, providing the perfect environment for the cheeses to mature. The Sarales are especially dutiful in paying homage to the rich, culinary history that encompasses the Piemonte region.
Made in the Piemontese tradition, this robiola, or tuma, is made from a blend of sheep and cow's milk. Utilizing the natural proximity to one of the world's richest truffle supplies, the Toma Trifula is augmented with black truffles. The heady flavor perfumes this otherwise mild cheese. After the young cheeses are salted, they are placed on cheesecloth. The natural fiber absorbs only the excess moisture expelled from the cheese leaving the finished product soft and luscious. They are then aged for a short time in the farm's cantina whose thick stone walls maintain an ideal temperature and humidity.